Crate pagerduty [] [src]

Unofficial PagerDuty API Client

The code for this project resides at

This is an early version of the PagerDuty API Client. Many of the APIs are not yet implemented in this client. The initial features implemented are those necessary to create new incidents from a monitoring service. Furthemore, this library only works on Rust nightlies at the moment; we are using the Serde library for handling JSON serialization and make extensive use of the automatically derived De/Serialize implementations.


The following APIs are supported

The following APIs are unsupported

Additionally, the following features are unsupported

If you are interested in using this library and the feature you want is not yet implemented, please file an issue on this project's repository. Features will be implemented on a most-in-demand basis.


There are a few things to know that might ease getting started with this library.



Integration API



A token used to authorize requests to PagerDuty.